Terms and Conditions
Bookings, Cancellations and Refunds
Fees are payable at the point of purchasing a ticket online. We regret no refunds will be given for sickness or holiday, this ensures your child’s place is retained.
However, if Act Out Education need to cancel a club(s) or workshop(s) then a refund will be given in full. If a club(s) or workshop(s) must be cancelled at short notice, you will be contacted via email or text message. Any refunds are at the discretion of Act Out Education.
Complaints Policy
If you have any questions, concerns, feedback or complaints please email these to rosalind@actouteducation.co.uk
By submitting your personal information to us you consent to the use of that information as set out in the Privacy Policy
Safeguarding Policy
If Act Out Education have a safeguarding concern the following procedure will be followed:
A record will be made on the Logging a Concern Form
Advice will be taken from the Norfolk Safeguarding Children’s Partnership
In the instance of school visits, Act Out Education will liaise with the designated Safeguarding Lead
Child Behaviour Policy
Act Out Education’s workshops and classes are designed to be a fun and friendly place for all children to feel safe. Persistent disruptive behaviour will not be tolerated, if this occurs Act Out Education will make a record of the behaviour in the Logging a Concern Form and reserve the right to terminate attendance of the child/children in question. In the instance of a school visit, best efforts will be made to liaise with a member of staff before Act Out Education ultimately reserves the right to remove the child/children from the workshop(s).
Uncollected Child and Lateness Policy
Act Out Education ask that all parents/carers endeavour to arrive and collect their child/children on time.
Act Out Education understand that it is not always possible to arrive or collect a child/children on time, and there may be extenuating circumstances. However, parents and carers will be reminded that if they persistently collect their child/children late, they may lose their place at the club/workshop.
Health and Safety and Fire Safety Policy
Act Out Education will do their very best to avoid any harm coming to participants however by its nature Act Out Education workshops and clubs are active and involve physical activity that may result in minor injury such as slips trips or falls. We ask that parents and carers understand and accept this risk before their child partakes in one of our clubs or workshops. Act Out Education will adhere to the Health and Safety and Fire Safety procedures provided by the venue they are holding the workshop or club in.
Administering Medication
Act Out Education is not responsible for administering a child/children’s medication.
Risk Assessment and Potential Risks
A thorough risk assessment has been carried out by Act Out Education. We ask that you understand there are some risks involved in the workshops and clubs, as there are practical and physical activities undertaken.
Privacy Policy
Act Out Education will not disclose personal information provided to third parties but may use this information to contact you regarding other activities we offer.
Photographic Consent
Occasionally we would like to use photographs of the children for promotional material. When this is needed Act Out Education will seek consent from the parent/carer of the child/children and will issue consent forms.