Second World War

What your students will learn:

1) Understand timeline of events leading up to the beginning of the Second World War, and investigate the varying attitudes towards the war.

2) Explore the popular culture of the time, including the music and fashion of the day.

3) Discover the jobs people undertook on the Home Front, such as ARP Wardens and the Women’s Land Army.

Performance techniques they’ll be using:

1) Mime and role play will be used to create a ‘mimeline’ of events leading up to the Second World War.

2) Voice, music and drama will be used to learn popular songs from the day and props will be used to recreate your very own 1940’s fashion show!

3) Role Play will be used to explore the jobs on the Home Front, and characters will be ‘Hot Seated’ to find out more about how they felt about doing these jobs, in particular investigating the impact the Women’s Land Army and other jobs for women, had on their lives.